Deanne Falzone

Licensed Massage Therapist
Specializing in Pregnancy & Postpartum Massage


See Testimonials Page for more

“An initial massage at a traditional spa left me uncomfortable about whether the methods were safe for baby and me during pregnancy. I had given up until I found Deanne! Her expertise and thoughtfulness left me completely at ease and able to actually enjoy the massage.”

“I cannot recommend Deanne Falzone enough! I was at the tail end of my pregnancy and in extreme hip pain that was making it difficult to walk. Not only did she help relieve my pain, her kind and gentle spirit held space for me to have a true moment of self care that helped re-center an otherwise stressful journey.”

“I am an advanced maternal age individual with a high chance of suffering from postpartum depression; fortunately, I did not have to go through that experience, and I am very confident Deanne's sessions played a big role in that.”